TU Dortmund University understands sustainability as an integrative concept that ensures the long-term viability of the global ecological, economic and social system. Sustainability is a joint task in which all TU members participate across departments.
News on sustainability at TU
Interview with Prof. Martin Faulstich at the VDE dialog
Prof. Faulstich talks about sustainable products and the circular economy in an interview.
More climate-friendly business trips
Since this year, an amendment to the NRW state travel expenses law has made it easier to go on business trips in a more climate-friendly way.
New scanners for the TU campus
The modern devices will soon go into operation in the libraries as well as in the foyers of central buildings.
First fabcing-competition on PET recycling
A total of five teams from the BCI took part in the first competition of the fabcing think tank and came up with processes for (material) PETrecycling
Paper Consumption at TU Dortmund
TU's paper consumption has fallen sharply in recent years due to the pandemic. The proportion of recycled paper has stagnated at 36% percent.
A second life for CO2
Prof. David Agar is researching a chemical process that turns carbon into solid matter.
Prepared for a cool future
The joint project "iResilience" aims to improve the adaptation of urban districts to climate change.
Less is more
Christian Holz-Rau and Karsten Zimmermann examine the transport policies of various cities and their effects.