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Environmental mobility

Cycling mobility on campus


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  • A bicycle parking facility below the Mensabrücke is in operation. A total of 84 parking spaces are available, which are 4 times overbooked, in order to make 336 transponders available for the facility. All TU members can apply each semester by lottery.
    The application deadline for the summer semester 2023 has already passed.
    The transponders are issued at Emil-Figge-Strasse 71 by the Department of Construction and Facility Management.
  • The bicycle garage from the InnamoRuhr research project can now be found permanently at the small parking lot directly at the EF50 building. You can book a parking space for free via BikeandRideBox or via the apps of the same name in the Android/Apple stores. Please:

    • create an account and use the Unimail for this purpose (otherwise it is not free)
    • activate the account.
    • find the box on campus and book it.
    • you will then be given a parking space number and a pin which you must enter at the facility. Alternatively, you can also scan the QR code sent to you.

Until December 2023, bicycle leasing was not legally possible in the TV-L. With the collective bargaining the legal framework has changed and the introduction of bicycle leasing has become possible.

Nevertheless, bike leasing cannot yet be introduced at TU Dortmund University, because the agreement does not (yet) apply to civil servants („Beamte“). Due to the principle of equal treatment under employment law, the company may not discriminate against them when granting collective benefits. However, the agreement is expected to be transferred to civil servants with the same content. Only once this has taken place can the contract be put out to tender centrally by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Implementation at TU Dortmund University can therefore be expected in 2025 at the earliest. As soon as bicycle leasing is possible, the Sustainability Office, together with the other TU institutions involved, Department Human Resources and Department Finance, will provide information here and by rectorate email as soon as possible.

A stolen bicycle with only one handlebar is connected on green lawn. © Pixabay

If your bicycle has been stolen, the theft should first be reported to the Dortmund police. The report can be done online or also by phone (0231 132-0).

Detailed information on preventing bicycle theft and insurance cover is provided by the ADFC.

Please also report the theft of bicycles to the TU Dortmund Construction and Facility Management  (Contact: Christian Rehkopp, Phone: 3349)

The AStA's bicycle self-help workshop offers all students and university members the opportunity to repair their bicycles themselves. The offer is aimed at those who have the confidence to work on their bike themselves, but for whom it fails due to a lack of suitable premises and tools. Even those who have never been interested in the functioning of derailleur gears or the lighting system are in the right place: if necessary, there is support for the repair.

The bicycle self-help workshop is located in the Dörstelmann House on the South Campus. From Lecture Hall Building I or the Archeteria, you can reach the bicycle repair shop by walking past the glass Rudolf Chaudoire Pavilion towards Baroper Straße and turning right. After a few metres you will see driveway 43 on the left, which you follow to the end of the car park. There you will see the Dörstelmann house. The entrance to the bicycle workshop is on the right-hand side.

Mail: fahrradasta.tu-dortmundde


News and opening hours

Yes, this is possible. It is necessary that the batteries are transported and stored in a fireproof battery bag (e.g. Lipo Safe Bag) and that there are no flammable materials in the immediate vicinity of where the battery bag is placed. Furthermore, the batteries must not be charged at the workplace.

Yes, employees will find secure bicycle parking facilities in the parking garage belonging to the building complex.

In general, the transponder may be kept as long as you are a TU member. As soon as your status changes, it should be returned.

If you no longer need the transponder or are no longer a TU member, the transponder should be handed in to the Department of Construction and Facility Management (Department 6). 

You will find Department 6 at Emil-Figge-Straße 71.

The transponders are permanent transponders. This means that the transponder only needs to be activated once and can then be used for an unlimited period of time. If a transponder already exists and the rights are to be overwritten (if not already present), the transponder can be activated on a gateway after consultation with the property management team (Department 6).

How do you get to the TU by bike?

Here we want to collect cycle routes that are easy to use to reach the TU campuses. During the kilometre collection campaign, cycling routes can be submitted to us, which we will then check and, if necessary and then make available for download on our pages as arrival routes to the TU by bike.

The routes can be sent to the Sustainability Office as a gpx file by email.

The first routes are shown in the map below. You can choose from different routes by moving the mouse over the layer symbol at the top right of the map and clicking on a route.