Databases for the Search for Cooperations
Overview of the Interdisciplinary Subject Areas
The Sustainability Office has compiled an overview of the interdisciplinary research areas related to sustainability that are being worked on at TU Dortmund University.

Overview of the Interdisciplinary Subject Areas
SciVal Analysis
With SciVal you can analyze, visualize and compare the publication performance of individuals, groups, institutions and countries. In addition, potential cooperation partners in science and industry can be found and research trends can be analyzed. SciVal is based on the Scopus database. With the help of predefined topics and topic clusters as well as self-defined research areas, you can analyze which individuals and institutions are active in a research field and could possibly be considered as cooperation partners. In addition, you can examine the extent to which individual topics are currently of particular interest in research and how interest in these topics changes over time. In this way, research trends can be identified at an early stage. SciVal also enables a search for the research areas of SDGs 1 to 16. SDG 17 is included in the documentation of the queries to Scopus and is partially displayed in the search results - however, SciVal is still working on a complete representation here (see the corresponding Elsevier FAQs). SciVal is available to all members of TU Dortmund University via an IP address of TU Dortmund University after registration.
The library offers a short introduction to SciVal for those interested at TU Dortmund University. Please contact the staff with a suggested date. The contact persons from the University Library will support you with the bibliometric trend analysis and the search for cooperation (not only) on the topic of sustainability.
Research map
The research map of TU Dortmund University presents its diverse research landscape. On the one hand, it offers an expert search using filters like "faculty"or "professorship" and, on the other hand, a keyword search for topics such as sustainability.
For questions about the research map, for comments or additions, please contact: