FAQ for lecturers - Frequently Asked Questions for lecturers
If you cannot find your question or a similar one in this collection, please contact us by e-mail.
General questions about courses
It is desirable that sustainability is addressed as much as possible. For self-assessment, you can use our recommendation criteria for a sustainable course as an aid and see whether your course is suitable for the studium oecologicum. Please send us the completed table by e-mail. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you think your course is suitable, you can activate it in the LSF. Shortly before the start of the semester, the module catalog for the current semester is compiled in the Sustainability Office and submitted to the Advisory Board. If, contrary to expectations, your course is not suitable for the studium oecologicum, the Sustainability Office will contact you again.
To activate a course for the studium oecologicum in the LSF, please make the following settings for the respective course:
- Open the selected course.
- Click on EDIT (Edit Lecture).
- Open the tab "Assign to Headers".
- Click on "Course Catalog", then "studium oecologicum" and select the relevant area (e.g. "Bildung" (Education) or "Naturwissenschaften und Technik" (Science and Technology)). Please do not click on the upper heading "studium oecologicum", only basic modules should be visible there.
- Then Submit.
As a result, the courses should now be displayed in the following way:
Lectures→ Course Overview→ studium oecologicum in the "Modulkaltalog studium oecologicum"
Please note that only the current semester is displayed. For the upcoming semester, please log in with your Uniaccount data and switch to the desired semester at the top right.
Experience has shown that only a few students register for smaller events. If you want to be sure of the maximum number of participants, you can notify the Sustainability Office of the maximum number of participants for your course. This will ensure that students from the relevant degree program attend the event first. Those interested in the studium oecologicum will fill the places that are still available.
It is not important that courses are offered regularly every semester. What is important is that we can offer many sustainability-related courses in order to provide students with a varied program. You are welcome to offer different individual events each semester.
The answer to this question is very individual. Among other things, it depends on the course description. Details can best be clarified by calling the sustainability office. However, from the point of view of students who take the studium oecologicum out of self-motivation and a particular interest in sustainability, it is desirable that sustainability is addressed as much as possible and runs like a common thread through the entire course.
Questions about examinations and performance records
You as the lecturer can determine the exact framework conditions for the examination performance of a course, there are no specifications from the studium oecologicum. We recommend using the same examination grades for the studium oecologicum as for normal degree programs. In general, however, appropriate special arrangements can be made.
Grading is not mandatory, but desirable, as this is the only way to calculate an overall grade for the certificate afterwards.
Subsequent crediting of a completed course is possible in any case, regardless of whether it is graded or ungraded. The course only has to be included in the modules offered by the studium oecologicum or have a clear reference to sustainability and be approved by the advisory board of the certificate. Subsequent recognition is a core idea of the certificate, so that students with advanced studies are not disadvantaged if they only find out about the certificate later.
Students should have the certificate of achievment provided by the Sustainability Office signed by the lecturer and upload it to the upload page for certificates of achievment. Alternatively, the lecturer can also confirm the achievement by email.