TU Dortmund University understands sustainability as an integrative concept that ensures the long-term viability of the global ecological, economic and social system. Sustainability is a joint task in which all TU members participate across departments.
News on sustainability at TU
Invitation to the 2nd Network Meeting Sustainability
Network Meeting Sustainability on December 7, 2023 from 2 to 4 pm in the building "Seminarraumgebäude Ⅰ (SRG)", Room 3.013.
Lecture series: Transformation to a climate-neutral industry
Registration for the Humboldtⁿ Sustainability Initiative lecture series is still open until Oct. 12.
Lecture Series "Klima: Wandel, Werte, Wissenschaft" in WS 23/24
The lecture series enters its fourth round and once again brings an exciting interdisciplinary program open to all.
New bike parking lots on campus!
Two new secure bicycle parking lots are now available.
Invitation 19th regulars' table sustainability
The Sustainability Office invites to the regulars' table for people interested in sustainability at TU Dortmund University on 26.09.2023.
United Against Abuse of Power
The universities in North Rhine-Westphalia have adopted a declaration to prevent abuse of power.
studium oecologicum - seminar "Critical Sustainability" of TU Berlin
The seminar "Critical Sustainability" of the TU Berlin will be offered again in the winter semester 23/24 in the module catalog of the studium…
Invitation 18th regulars' table sustainability
The Sustainability Office invites to the regulars' table for people interested in sustainability at TU Dortmund University on 30.08.2023.