Goal 3: Good health and well-being
The goal is divided into several sub-goals. The first sub-goals are to reduce maternal (3.1), newborn and child mortality (3.2) and to eliminate AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, neglected tropical diseases, hepatitis and other communicable diseases (3.3). It also aims to reduce premature mortality and promote mental health (3.4), reduce substance abuse (3.5), halve deaths and injuries from road accidents (3.6) and ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care (3.7). Similarly, universal health coverage with access to quality health services and affordable medicines and vaccines will be introduced (3.8) and deaths and illnesses from chemicals, air, water and soil pollution will be significantly reduced (3.9).

To this end, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control should be strengthened (3.a) and research and development of vaccines and medicines in developing countries should be supported (3.b). Likewise, health financing and the qualification of health workers in developing countries should be significantly increased (3.c) and the capacities of all countries in the areas of early warning and the management of health risks should be strengthened (3.d).
News on health and well-being
Health promotion
- Projekte
- 3 Gesundheit und Wohlergehen

The Office of Occupational Safety, Environmental and Health Protection advises TU Dortmund University employees on all issues relating to occupational safety, fire protection and environmental protection. For health protection issues, the department works closely with the Occupational Health Service. It is also responsible for the sustainable disposal of hazardous waste.
Occupational Health Management works closely with the general university sports department and is constantly expanding its range of services, e.g. through the break express, mobile massage or vaccination advice. Occupational health management introduced the "health pass" in 2016.