Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
The goal to reduce inequalities is divided into various sub-goals. The first four sub-goals (10.1 - 10.4) are aimed at reducing inequality within a state. They are initially aimed at above-average income growth of the lower income groups (10.1). It is complemented by the promotion of inclusion (10.2), the
ensuring equal opportunities (10.3) and progressive policy measures in areas of wage policy and social protection (10.4).
The other sub-goals (10.5 - 10.7) aim to reduce global inequality and call for international action by better regulating global financial markets (10.5), giving developing countries a stronger voice (10.6) and facilitating safe and responsible migration of people (10.7).
Sub-goals 10.a and 10.b stipulate that official development assistance and financial flows should be directed primarily to those states where the need is greatest and that a principle of special treatment should apply to these states. In addition, remittance costs for migrants' remittances should be reduced (10.c).