Invitation to the 1st Network Meeting Sustainability - NeNa
- Nachhaltigkeitsbüro

Following the successful implementation of the lecture series within the studium oecologicum ("Climate: Change, Values, Science" and "Education for Sustainable Development"), we would like to offer researchers with a connection to or interest in sustainability a platform for further exchange. For this purpose, the Sustainability Office and other supporters from research and teaching invite interested colleagues (chair holders and postdocs) on February 10, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. to network and initiate future research projects. At the event, the Funding Advisory Service of the Office of Research Funding Services will give a short presentation on potential grants. Afterwards, there is ample time for personal discussions and networking.
The event is held in MB III, South Campus. If you are interested, please notify your attendance via email.
16:00 | Greetings and introduction to the event |
16:15 | Presentation of possible grants |
16:30 | Review of past lecture series |
16:45 | Creative and working phase |
17:15 | cosy farewell |