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Offers, services and activities of the International Office in the area of equal opportunities

The International Office is responsible for maintaining international relations at our university. The main website of the International Office contains all offers, information, services and activities for international and Dortmund students, employees and international researchers.

Student mobility with equal opportunities

The area of student mobility covers the mobility of students who spend part of their studies abroad (outgoings) or at TU Dortmund University (incomings) (e.g., one or two semesters, internship, thesis or short program).

Where are equal opportunities visible for the outgoings?

  • Information on events and information material are digitally available at any time.
  • Consideration of the social situation in applications for the overseas program and also in the departments for the Erasmus+ program (information available for first degree students, students with a disability or chronic illness, students with a child and/or working students).
  • Social top ups for the above mentioned groups in the Erasmus+ program (an additional EUR 250 per month) are used by almost 50% of outgoing students. Applications for real costs and preparatory trips for students with disabilities/chronic illnesses and students with child(ren) are possible.
  • All options and experience reports at a glance can be found on the website "Equal Opportunities for International Mobility".
  • For more information see: DAADeuroletter (74) on Inclusion and diversity in Erasmus + - Equitable mobilities - as demonstrated by TU Dortmund University (as of December 2022)

In addition to the main topic "Equal Opportunities Mobility", the section "Sustainable Travel " is also among the information that outgoing students receive at first glance. In addition to tips on environmentally friendly travel planning and living in the host country, for example as part of the Erasmus+ program, there is a one-off €50 extra mobility grant for green travel, which almost 20% of Erasmus+ outgoings currently apply for and receive.

Where are equal opportunities visible for the incoming students?

International Students (Degree Seeking Students)

Where is equal opportunities visible?

  • International students (5,200 in Winter semester 2022/2023) seeking a degree at TU Dortmund University receive comprehensive support and information at many levels to enable optimal integration on campus.
  • Digital services such as "StartSmart" also offer a comprehensive range of information for students who may arrive late for the start of their studies due to visa issues, for example.
  • Welcome events, buddy/mentor programs, cultural events, networking opportunities and other formats for social and cultural exchange are initiated or supported:

Intercultural training is offered several times a semester, in which students of all backgrounds and experience abroad can participate. The training courses, which are offered as the "Intercultural Basis" for the Certificate "Studium International", cover cross-cultural content. The certificate does not require study-related mobility, but can also be obtained if a contribution is made to the internationalization of TU Dortmund University through international engagement. There are also offers for refugees, which also serve the purpose of integration.

International Researchers

The team of the  Welcome Services is the point of contact for questions and concerns relating to the research stay. It also provides support and advice on finding accommodation and research stays with family.

International Meeting Center

The International Meeting Center is a place for cultural encounters. German and international students, teachers and learners, come together to acquire language skills and intercultural competencies, to attend concerts, take part in conferences and receptions or exchange information about job opportunities, stays abroad and experiences.