An analysis of the publications provides information on TU Dortmund University research activities on the topic of sustainability. A query in the analysis tool SciVal according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reveals 512 publications for TU Dortmund University, including the affiliated institutes ISAS and IfADo, which are assigned to the SDGs for the year 2022. This means that 22% of the total publications of TU Dortmund University listed in SciVal (= 2328) deal with sustainable topics in the sense of the SDGs. SciVal enables a search for the research areas of SDGs 1 to 16 and can thus also be used to analyze which persons and institutions are active in a sustainable research field and may be suitable for cooperation. SDG 17 is included in the documentation of requests to Scopus and is partially displayed in the search results - but SciVal is still working on a complete presentation (see the Elsevier FAQs on the SDGs). Furthermore, 53% (= 1244) of TU Dortmund University's publications were published as open access publications in 2022. Of the publications assigned to the SDGs, 61% (= 314) have open access status. In addition, there are other TU Dortmund University publications that are not recorded in SciVal.
The graphic below shows the relative activity index of TU Dortmund University, i.e. the proportion of TU Dortmund University's scientific publications in one SDG in relation to the global proportion of scientific publications in the same SDG, as well as the relative activity index for Germany. This normalization results in a value of 1 worldwide.
Interactive Graphic. Source: The data on which this analysis is based was retrieved from SciVal® database, Elsevier B.V., on 22 August 2023.
The graph shows the relative activity of TU Dortmund University, Germany and the world in relation to the SDGs. The Y-axis lists the SDGs (from SDG 1 to SDG 16), while the X-axis shows the relative activity (0.0 to 2.0).
Exact data can be found in the table below:
SDG | Number of publications TU Dortmund University | relative activity TU Dortmund University | Number of publications Germany | relative activity Germany |
SDG 9 | 125 | 1,75 | 7045 | 1,11 |
SDG 4 | 55 | 1,61 | 2257 | 0,75 |
SDG 11 | 74 | 1,34 | 3448 | 0,71 |
SDG 1 | 13 | 1,14 | 929 | 0,92 |
SDG 10 | 38 | 1,06 | 2537 | 0,80 |
SDG 12 | 31 | 0,82 | 3037 | 0,90 |
SDG 13 | 34 | 0,76 | 4920 | 0,82 |
SDG 8 | 32 | 0,76 | 3074 | 1,24 |
SDG 5 | 13 | 0,64 | 1302 | 0,73 |
SDG 16 | 18 | 0,58 | 2315 | 0,85 |
SDG 7 | 61 | 0,52 | 9179 | 0,88 |
SDG 3 | 163 | 0,41 | 32370 | 0,92 |
SDG 6 | 9 | 0,21 | 2130 | 0,57 |
SDG 15 | 4 | 0,14 | 2709 | 1,06 |
SDG 2 | 4 | 0,12 | 2567 | 0,90 |
SDG 14 | 1 | 0,04 | 1622 | 0,82 |