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Strategic Analysis

TU Dortmund University understands sustainability as an integrative concept that ensures the long-term functioning of the global ecological, economic and social system. In this sense, sustainable stands for securing the quality of life of the present generation without restricting or burdening future generations in the shaping of their lives. For this, the protection of the environment and socially and economically responsible actions are important foundations.

For TU Dortmund University, sustainability is a joint task in which all its members, professors, employees and students are involved. The university has adopted a sustainability strategy and has committed to reporting regularly on its projects and initiatives.

In its sustainability reporting, TU Dortmund University is guided by the university-specific sustainability code developed by DG HochN (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen e.V.). It also incorporates aspects of the international university sustainability ranking Green Metric.

TU Dortmund University's Sustainability Office coordinates sustainability efforts and their reporting, derives recommendations for the sustainability strategy and coordinates them with the University Management and the Senate. Participation by members of TU Dortmund University is sought at all times in order to ensure the transparency of the processes.