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Organizational Integration

At TU Dortmund University,  Vice President Finance Prof Dr. Gerhard Schembecker is concerned with the topic of sustainability in the rectorate. The Sustainability Working Group (Arbeitskreis Nachhaltigkeit, AKN) set up by the Rectorate and the Sustainability Office deal with strategic and operational tasks and projects relating to sustainability.

Charter of TU Dortmund University

In its Charter (in German), TU Dortmund University declares in Section 1 a that it fulfills its tasks in the awareness of its responsibility towards society and the environment and “thereby contributes to the protection of the natural foundations of life and a sustainable and resource-conserving development of a peaceful and democratic world”. “In the course of their academic activities, members and affiliates of the University engaged in research and teaching shall always consider whether scientific methods or findings may have serious consequences for constitutionally protected individual and community interests.” The Charter also provide for the Senate to elect a Sustainability Officer: “The Sustainability Officer can issue recommendations and statements on issues relating to the University's responsibility towards society and the environment. The committees as well as the members and affiliates of the university can seek advice from him/her. He/she is to be involved in university development planning. The Sustainability Officer can make recommendations and statements on issues relating to the University's responsibility towards society and the environment.” Currently, the Head of the TU Dortmund University Sustainability Office (Nachhaltigkeitsbüro, NHB) , Dr. Henning Moldenhauer, has been elected as the Sustainability Officer and regularly attends Senate meetings.

Sustainability Working Group

In order to promote a joint university-wide dialog on the topic of sustainability, the  Sustainability Working Group (Arbeitskreis Nachhaltigkeit, AKN)  was founded in 2012 on the initiative of the Rectorate. The AKN is open to all members of TU Dortmund University and is deliberately diverse: students, employees from research and teaching as well as administration contribute their perspectives and expertise together. Representatives of the Rectorate and important bodies such as the staff councils are also involved in the working group. The TU Dortmund University Sustainability Office (Nachhaltigkeitsbüro, NHB) was founded in June 2021 at the request of the Sustainability Working Group. There is a continuous exchange between AKN and NHB: The AKN advises the NHB which is then responsible for implementing the projects.

Network of Sustainability at TU Dortmund University; Source: Sustainability Office/TU Dortmund

Sustainability Office

The Sustainability Office (Nachhaltigkeitsbüro, NHB) is responsible for implementing transparent sustainability communication and initiating and implementing sustainable projects for the Sustainability Working Group (Arbeitskreis Nachhaltigkeit, AKN). In order to achieve effective and lasting results, the office is staffed with two unlimited full-time positions, one part-time position and three student assistants. As part of the Section Organizational Development of the Corporate Center University Development and Organization, the NHB takes on operational tasks, is the central point of contact for all members of TU Dortmund University and supports sustainability projects and initiatives at TU Dortmund University and beyond the campus. The office provides networking opportunities for the individual stakeholders to utilize synergies and exchange information between the various status groups and supports the integration of sustainability into the core objectives of teaching and research. The NHB coordinates the studium oecologicum and thus makes a major contribution to the TU-wide implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. In addition, the Network Meeting Sustainability (Netzwerktreffen Nachhaltigkeit, NeNa) was initiated by the NHB. The research network invites TU researchers to conduct interdisciplinary research and teaching on the topic of sustainability.

Sustainability in the TU Departments

Sustainability is a joint task - also at TU Dortmund University: The NHB works on many sustainability projects in close cooperation with other facilities and the TU departments. In summer 2022, sustainability contact persons or officers were appointed in all faculties and some facilities at TU Dortmund University, who are in regular contact with each other, the Rectorate and the NHB. The accumulated knowledge of the network created in this way will be used to achieve the sustainability goals and strengthen communication on sustainability between students, employees and the administration.

Sustainability strategy

In spring 2021, TU Dortmund University adopted a sustainability strategy that bundles current fields of action and identifies areas of action for the future. The strategy is continuously developed and progress in the individual aspects is updated. With the establishment of the Sustainability Office, the 9th goal 'Establishment of a Sustainability Office' of TU Dortmund University's sustainability strategy was fulfilled.