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Module catalog

Offers from the departments

Here you will find the courses open to the studium oecologicum for the current semester.

Structure of the certificate


If you are studying physics, for example, your own subject area is science and technology, for architecture and civil engineering the subject area is space and construction. Teacher training students belong to the subject area of education.

If a module from science and technology was chosen as the first specialization module from your own department, a module from education, society, space and construction or economics can be chosen for the second specialization module.

Overview of previous events

The following table lists all courses that are or were previously included in the studium oecologicum module catalog as well as the courses that have been recognized by the studium oecologicum advisory board. The table can be sorted by clicking on the respective tab. The "Search" field can be used to search for specific courses. Click on the green plus symbol to display a course description (if available), which can be closed again by clicking on the red minus symbol. The descriptions are reduced and the information on the courses as found in the LSF applies. The number of credit points is a guideline, as it can vary due to different examination regulations. The table is updated every semester. If the course is not included in the table, you can send a credit transfer request by e-mail . To do this, send us a module description or similar that clearly shows a link to sustainability. Once per semester, the advisory board will then decide on the recognition.