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Application process studium oecologicum


General registration for the studium oecologicum is not required. When you submit your first successful examination result for the certificate, you also register and are included in our database.


Please register for individual modules/events in the LSF under studium oecologicum or alternatively by e-mail to the respective lecturers listed in the LSF, stating that you would like to attend the course as part of the studium oecologicum if you are unable to register (e.g. for courses outside your subject area). The lecturers will decide on the final allocation of places. Please consult the LSF for information on admission requirements.


You must also register for the examinations of the respective courses, either in the BOSS system or, if not possible, via the lecturers. Please use the performance certificate provided for the proof of performance after a successful examination and send it to us completed and signed by the lecturer using the following form. You do not need the certificate of achievement for the basic modules, as the certificates are sent to us collectively by the lecturers due to the high number of participants. If you have already fulfilled all the requirements for obtaining the certificate, you are welcome to use the application for issuing the certificate.

Upload certificate of achievement studium oecologicum

This form is used to upload a certificate of achievement from a course from the studium oecologicum module catalog (please use the PDF document linked above). Fields marked with * are mandatory. Alternatively, you can also use the above-mentioned form “Application for issuance of the certificate” if you have already fulfilled all the requirements and would like to receive the certificate. You can also directly upload several certificates there.

Your information will only be used within TU Dortmund University to answer your questions and concerns. Your data will be deleted as soon as the request has been clarified. By submitting the form, your request will be processed to fulfill the tasks of TU Dortmund University with Art. 6 (1) (e) GDPR.
The link to our privacy notice with further information on data protection can be found at the bottom of the page.