Projects Realized
Sustainable interlibrary loan
- Projekte
- 12 Nachhaltige/r Konsum und Produktion
For the interlibrary loan service of the university library, the reuse of packaging material is the basic principle (by the way: according to "veteran" colleagues, this has been the case for over 40 years). This is common practice in most libraries - presumably also for reasons of cost.

For decades, Dortmund University Library, along with many other libraries, has participated in a DHL book transport service that uses plastic crates with a long life cycle for shipping. Large media deliveries can be sent directly to other libraries in these crates. Several smaller deliveries, packed in reused material (see below) or even unpacked in these boxes, are first sent to a sorting centre, from where they are forwarded with other media deliveries in a box to the respective ordering libraries.
Well-preserved mailing bags or cardboard boxes of all kinds are reused, including those in which paper was originally delivered. In addition, library staff often bring boxes from home for reuse.
When paper copies are sent via the TU's in-house post office as part of the interlibrary loan service, mostly well-preserved envelopes that have already been used are also reused.