New courses for the studium oecologicum
- Nachhaltigkeitsbüro

Registration for courses for the studium oecologicum
From now on, students can register for the sustainability certificate "studium oecologicum" via courses of the summer semester 2023. Further information about the certificate and the registration form for the individual courses can be found on the studium oecologicum page. Further information about the current events can be found in the LSF under "studium oecologicum".
New cooperation course in the summer semester 2023
The lecture series of the Humboldtⁿ Sustainability Initiative "Energiewende in der Industrie in NRW" is offered as an course for the subject areas "Science and Technology" and "Society". It gives 3 CP, is aimed at Master students of all programs and is a hybrid format consisting of three online dates and two face-to-face dates (Düsseldorf and Wuppertal). Further information on the course can be found in the LSF and on the Humboldtⁿ page. Registration for the lecture series is via this form. Deadline for registration is 24.03.2023.
New basic module in the summer semester 2023.
The course "Transformative Bildung an der Hochschule. TU-Campus als Ort sozial-ökologischer Transformation?" by Prof. Dr. Gärtner will be offered as a basic module with 2-4 CP. Students have the opportunity to deal with social-ecological transformation in an interdisciplinary and experimental-project way as well as to test new ways of transformative learning. Further information about the course can be found in the LSF.