First fabcing-competition on PET recycling
- TU News

The average per capita consumption of plastics in Germany is approx. 76 kg/a. Extrapolated, the members of the Faculty of Bio and Chemical Engineering consume about 120 tonnes per year, about half of which ends up in a landfill after use. Reason enough for the fabcing think tank on sustainability to announce a student competition on this topic.
A total of five teams from the BCI took up the challenge and came up with processes for (material) PET recycling. Shortly before the process abstracts were submitted, the field thinned out and only two entries were submitted for consideration just before Christmas. Jan Seemann and Lorenz Rix chose an enzyme-based approach, while Ritika Kohli combined PET recycling with hydrogen production via an electrocatalytic process.
In the end, Jan Seemann and Lorenz Rix were in the lead and won the first prize of 500 €. Ritika Kohli took second place and could look forward to € 300. The two winning teams can also have 1 CP credited for the competition as part of the Studium Oecologicum.

All participants also receive free membership in the fabcing alumni association for the duration of their studies. Depending on the further development of Corona, an excursion to an industrial company is planned for the spring.
Report: Marc Peters