Goal 15: Life on land
The goal is divided into several sub-goals. The aim is to achieve comprehensive protection, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems. Sub-goal 15.1 focuses on the conservation of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems, while 15.3 addresses desertification and soil quality protection and 15.4 mountain ecosystems. Sub-goal 15.2 makes sustainable management of all forest types, ending deforestation and rebuilding degraded forests and afforestation the goal. Sub-targets 15.5 to 15.8 aim primarily to address the loss of biodiversity, including through the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources (15.6), urgent action to combat poaching and trafficking of protected plant and animal species (15.7) or preventing the introduction of invasive alien species (15.8). Finally, ecosystem and biodiversity values should be integrated into decision-making processes (15.9).
The means of implementation is a significant increase in financial resources for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems (15.a) and provides for substantial funding for sustainable forest management, combined with appropriate incentives for developing countries (15.b). In addition, the fight against poaching and trade in protected species is to be strengthened (15.c).

News on life on land
Joint maintenance action in Rombergpark
- News
- Projekte
- 11 Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden
- 15 Leben an Land
- TU News
- Nachhaltigkeitsbüro

Finally tackle it! On January 18, we from the Sustainability Office want to actively contribute to nature conservation together with many motivated members of the TU in cooperation with Rombergpark. From 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. we will go into the field with sturdy shoes and a good mood.
In the area of the meadow brook in the middle of the Romberpark many rush plants grow. As an invasive species, these displace other native plants and thus ensure a one-sided growth with little ecologically valuable diversity. Together with the park management we want to remove these plants under guidance and thus contribute to a balanced ecosystem.
Therefore, we need many helping people who want to join us in actively protecting nature with tools. The necessary tools will be provided. The most important things to bring are (water)sturdy shoes, warm clothes and something to drink. At noon, a snack will be provided by the park. A total of about 60 people can take part in the activity. Employees can also participate in the action in consultation with their supervisor.
The action will take place on Jan. 18, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meeting point is the old gatehouse at the entrance (Rombergpark subway station) at 9:15 am. Mail addresses will be requested at registration for a reminder mail and detailed information.