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Results of the Mobility Survey 2023

Commuting Behavior at the TU Dortmund 2022

Key data on the survey

From mid-February to mid-March 2023, TU Dortmund University's Sustainability Office conducted a survey on the mobility behavior of members of the university. The aim of the survey was to determine the commuting behavior of university members. To this end, information was collected on the distances traveled during and outside of lecture times, as well as on the preferred means of transport and the time required for this.

A total of 573 (13.7 %) employees (including academic staff) and 897 (2.7 %) students took part in the survey. The total figures for the individual status groups are taken from TU Dortmund University's annual statistical report for 2022. Of the respondents, 48% (58%) of employees (students) are women, 51% (41%) are men and 1% (1%) are diverse.

Four icons. A bicycle at top left. Top right a bus. Bottom left a car. A train on the bottom right. © Icon car, bicycle, bus: fontawesome Icon train: wikimedia

Comments on the Evaluation

The data was analyzed for each question, meaning that the basic populations differed in some cases. Only complete information and plausible answers were analyzed. Due to these quality requirements, in some cases up to 25% of the responses (370 questionnaires) had to be excluded from the analysis. Nevertheless, at least 1000 responses per question could always be taken into account, meaning that the results are still representative.

Commuting Distances, Durations and Frequencies

Interactive graphic. Source: Sustainability Office/TU Dortmund University

A color-coded thematic map of NRW shows the distribution of commuters based on their place of residence. The cities of the federal state are shown. The colors correspond to a logarithmic scale proportional to the number of residences.

  • Dark purple: regions with the highest number of residences (logarithmic value around 3).
  • Green to yellow: Regions with medium to low residential density.
  • Yellow: Regions with the lowest values (close to 0 on the log scale).

The map shows Dortmund as the central metropolitan region, marked by the darker colors, while the surrounding cities have a lower density.
Exact figures are listed in the table below:

City Number of residences
Dortmund 802
Bochum 98
Essen 48
Witten 40
Hagen 33
Kamen 18
Kamen 18
Hamm 17
Recklinghausen 17
Iserlohn 16
Castrop-Rauxel 15
Lünen 15
Unna 15
Schwerte 14
Gelsenkirchen 13
Duisburg 10
Waltrop 9
Wuppertal 9
Fröndenberg/Ruhr 8
Münster 8
Hattingen 7
Oberhausen 7
Werne 7
Arnsberg 6
Cologne 6
Menden 6
Selm 6
Ennepetal 5
Lüdighausen 5
Soest 5
Werl 5
Weather 5
Dates 4
Dülmen 4
Ense 4
Herdecke 4
Marl 4
Oer-Erkenschwick 4
Sprockhövel 4
Ahlen 3
Altena 3
Bönen 3
Bottrop 3
Gevelsberg 3
Gladbeck 3
Herten 3
Schwelm 3
Steinfurt 3
Ascheberg 2
Bielefeld 2
Gütersloh 2
Halver 2
Holzwickede 2
Moers 2
Remscheid 2
Anröchte 1
Balve 1
Bergkamen 1
Bochholt 1
Bonn 1
Coesfeld 1
Dinslaken 1
Enningerloh 1
Erwitte 1
Grevenbroich 1
Haltern am See 1
Heiden 1
Heiligenhaus 1
Heinsberg 1
Hennef 1
Herscheid 1
Kaarst 1
Kamp-Lintfort 1
Kierspe 1
Kirchlengern 1
Lüdenscheid 1
Monheim on the Rhine 1
Neuenrade 1
Nordkirchen 1
Olfen 1
Radevormwald 1
Ratingen 1
Rietberg 1
Sendenhorst 1
Siegen 1
Sundern 1
Verl 1
Viersen 1
Voerde 1
Welver 1
Wermelskirchen 1
Wesel 1
Wilich 1

A color-coded thematic map of NRW shows the distribution of employees who commute by car to TU Dortmund University based on their place of residence. The cities and districts of the federal state are shown, with the colors following a logarithmic scale proportional to the number of residences:

  • Dark purple: regions with the highest number of residences (logarithmic value around 3).
  • Green to yellow: Regions with medium to low residential density.
  • Yellow: Regions with the lowest values (close to 0 on the log scale).

Exact figures are listed in the following table:

City Number of residences
Dortmund 105
none 21
Bochum 17
Witten 16
Essen 13
Hagen 9
Castrop-Rauxel 8
Herne 6
Iserlohn 5
Hattingen 5
Schwerte 4
Lünen 4
Recklinghausen 4
Hamm 3
Waltrop 3
Dates 3
Gelsenkirchen 3
Lüdinghausen 2
Wickede 2
Sprockhövel 2
Gevelsberg 2
Kamen 2
Fröndenberg/Ruhr 2
Oberhausen 2
Oer-Erkenschwick 2
Selm 2
Unna 2
Bönen 1
Kirchlengern 1
Mülheim an der Ruhr 1
Olfen 1
Marl 1
Holzwickede 1
Willich 1
Münster 1
Menden 1
Werl 1
Bocholt 1
Kamp-Lintfort 1
Anröchte 1
Weather 1
Herdecke 1
Neuenrade 1
Dülmen 1
Gladbeck 1
Wuppertal 1
Monheim on the Rhine 1
Gütersloh 1
Oberaden 1
Arnsberg 1
Remscheid 1
Steinfurt 1

A color-coded thematic map of NRW shows the distribution of students commuting by car to TU Dortmund University based on their place of residence. The cities and districts of the federal state are shown, with the coloring following a logarithmic scale proportional to the number of residences:

  • Dark purple: regions with the highest number of residences (logarithmic value around 3).
  • Green to yellow: Regions with medium to low residential density.
  • Yellow: Regions with the lowest values (close to 0 on the log scale).

Exact figures are listed in the following table:

City Number of residences
Dortmund 63
Hagen 13
Witten 10
none 10
Bochum 9
Iserlohn 9
Recklinghausen 7
Essen 7
Gelsenkirchen 6
Unna 6
Schwerte 5
Castrop-Rauxel 4
Ennepetal 4
Werl 4
Herne 4
Fröndenberg/Ruhr 4
Weather 3
Schwelm 3
Wuppertal 3
Menden 3
Waltrop 3
Altena 3
Lünen 2
Wickede 2
Werne 2
Herdecke 2
Oer-Erkenschwick 2
Marl 2
Dülmen 2
Hemer 2
Herten 2
Cologne 2
Mülheim an der Ruhr 2
Arnsberg 2
Ense 2
Kamen 2
Sprockhövel 2
Gladbeck 2
Sundern 1
Hennef 1
Gevelsberg 1
Haltern am See 1
Siegen 1
Sendenhorst 1
Lippetal 1
Selm 1
Halver 1
Krefeld 1
Oberhausen 1
Lüdenscheid 1
Rietberg 1
Moers 1
Radevormwald 1
Bönen 1
Ennigerloh 1
Verl 1
Coesfeld 1
Steinfurt 1
Erwitte 1
Wermelskirchen 1
Nordkirchen 1
Herscheid 1
Soest 1
Wesel 1
Heiligenhaus 1
Dates 1
Bottrop 1
Voerde 1

A color-coded thematic map of NRW shows the distribution of non-car commuters based on their place of residence. The cities and districts of the federal state are shown, with the coloring following a logarithmic scale proportional to the number of residences:

  • Dark purple: regions with the highest number of residences (logarithmic value around 3).
  • Green to yellow: Regions with medium to low residential density.
  • Yellow: Regions with the lowest values (close to 0 on the log scale).

Exact figures are listed in the following table:

City Number of residences
Dortmund 557
Bochum 67
Essen 25
Witten 11
Kamen 11
Hamm 11
Hagen 10
Herne 9
Duisburg 8
Lunen 8
Mülheim an der Ruhr 7
Münster 7
Unna 5
Recklinghausen 5
Werne 5
Cologne 4
Soest 4
Gelsenkirchen 4
Wuppertal 4
Schwerte 4
Ahlen 3
Castrop-Rauxel 3
Lüdinghausen 3
Hemer 2
Beckum 2
Wickede 2
Arnsberg 2
Iserlohn 2
Bielefeld 2
Waltrop 2
Bottrop 2
Selm 2
Ascheberg 2
Ense 2
Kierspe 1
Kaarst 1
Bonn 1
Fröndenberg/Ruhr 1
Gütersloh 1
Bergkamen 1
Hattingen 1
Steinfurt 1
Ennepetal 1
Ratingen 1
Oberhausen 1
Heiden 1
Remscheid 1
Bönen 1
Halver 1
Dinslaken 1
Menden 1
Dülmen 1
Holzwickede 1
Welver 1
Herdecke 1
Marl 1
Herten 1
Viersen 1
Balve 1
Heinsberg 1

A color-coded thematic map of NRW shows the distribution of car-only commuters based on their place of residence. The cities and districts of the federal state are shown, with the coloring following a logarithmic scale proportional to the number of residences:

  • Dark purple: regions with the highest number of residences (logarithmic value around 3).
  • Green to yellow: Regions with medium to low residential density.
  • Yellow: Regions with the lowest values (close to 0 on the log scale).

Exact figures are listed in the following table:

City Number of residences
Dortmund 168
Bochum 26
Witten 26
Hagen 22
Essen 20
Iserlohn 14
Castrop-Rauxel 12
Recklinghausen 11
Herne 10
Gelsenkirchen 9
Schwerte 9
Unna 8
Waltrop 6
Lünen 6
Fröndenberg/Ruhr 6
Werl 5
Hattingen 5
Wuppertal 4
Sprockhövel 4
Ennepetal 4
Oer-Erkenschwick 4
Wickede 4
Weather 4
Kamen 4
Menden 4
Dates 4
Hamm 3
Herdecke 3
Mülheim an der Ruhr 3
Marl 3
Arnsberg 3
Schwelm 3
Dülmen 3
Selm 3
Gladbeck 3
Altena 3
Gevelsberg 3
Oberhausen 3
Lüdinghausen 2
Herten 2
Bönen 2
Hemer 2
Werne 2
Steinfurt 2
Ense 2
Cologne 2
Haltern am See 1
Hennef 1
Siegen 1
Bocholt 1
Kamp-Lintfort 1
Münster 1
Holzwickede 1
Willich 1
Sundern 1
Ennigerloh 1
Halver 1
Krefeld 1
Olfen 1
Lüdenscheid 1
Rietberg 1
Kirchlengern 1
Heiligenhaus 1
Verl 1
Anröchte 1
Herscheid 1
Nordkirchen 1
Radevormwald 1
Sendenhorst 1
Moers 1
Monheim on the Rhine 1
Remscheid 1
Bottrop 1
Neuenrade 1
Soest 1
Wermelskirchen 1
Oberaden 1
Gütersloh 1
Erwitte 1
Wesel 1
Coesfeld 1
Lippetal 1
Voerde 1

A color-coded thematic map of NRW shows the preferred commuting behavior of students and employees based on their place of residence. The cities and districts of the federal state are shown, with the colors following a logarithmic scale proportional to the preferred commuting method:

  • Dark purple: regions more likely to be car commuters.
  • Green to yellow: regions where car and non-car commuters are balanced.
  • Yellow: Regions that are more likely to be non-car commuters.

Exact figures are listed in the following table:
(Figures of car-only and non-car are in %)

City Car-only[%] Non-car [%] Residences
Food 42 52 48
Mülheim an der Ruhr 30 70 10
Oberhausen 43 14 7
Remscheid 50 50 2
Wuppertal 44 44 9
Cologne 33 67 6
Bottrop 33 67 3
Gelsenkirchen 69 31 13
Münster 12 88 8
Dülmen 75 25 4
Lüdinghausen 40 60 5
Castrop-Rauxel 80 20 15
Herten 67 33 3
Marl 75 25 4
Recklinghausen 65 29 17
Waltrop 67 22 9
Steinfurt 67 33 3
Gütersloh 50 50 2
Bochum 27 68 98
Dortmund 21 69 802
Hagen 67 30 33
Hamm 18 65 17
Herne 50 45 20
Ennepetal 80 20 5
Hattingen 71 14 7
Herdecke 75 25 4
Witten 65 28 40
Arnsberg 50 33 6
Halver 50 50 2
Hemer 50 50 4
Iserlohn 88 12 16
Menden 67 17 6
Ense 50 50 4
Soest 20 80 5
Wickede 67 33 6
Bönen 67 33 3
Fröndenberg/Ruhr 75 12 8
Holzwickede 50 50 2
Kamen 22 61 18
Lunen 40 53 15
Schwerte 64 29 14
Selm 50 33 6
Unna 53 33 15
Werne 29 71 7
Duisburg 0 80 10
Ratingen 0 100 1
Grevenbroich 0 0 1
Kaarst 0 100 1
Viersen 0 100 1
Dinslaken 0 100 1
Bonn 0 100 1
Heinsberg 0 100 1
Heiden 0 100 1
Ascheberg 0 100 2
Ahlen 0 100 3
Beckum 0 100 2
Bielefeld 0 100 2
Balve 0 100 1
Kierspe 0 100 1
Welver 0 100 1
Bergkamen 0 100 1
Heiligenhaus 100 0 1
Monheim on the Rhine 100 0 1
Grevenbroich 0 0 1
Willich 100 0 1
Kamp-Lintfort 100 0 1
Moers 50 0 2
Voerde 100 0 1
Wesel 100 0 1
Radevormwald 100 0 1
Wermelskirchen 100 0 1
Hennef 100 0 1
Bocholt 100 0 1
Coesfeld 100 0 1
Nordkirchen 100 0 1
Olfen 100 0 1
Dates 100 0 4
Gladbeck 100 0 3
Haltern am See 100 0 1
Oer-Erkenschwick 100 0 4
Ennigerloh 100 0 1
Sendenhorst 100 0 1
Rietberg 100 0 1
Verl 100 0 1
Kirchlengern 100 0 1
Gevelsberg 100 0 3
Schwelm 100 0 3
Sprockhövel 100 0 4
Weather 80 0 5
Sundern 100 0 1
Altena 100 0 3
Herscheid 100 0 1
Lüdenscheid 100 0 1
Neuenrade 100 0 1
Siegen 100 0 1
Anröchte 100 0 1
Erwitte 100 0 1
Lippetal 100 0 1
Werl 100 0 5

The figure above shows that the city of Dortmund forms the center of TU Dortmund University's catchment area. The data also shows that many commuters also come from surrounding cities and municipalities, particularly along the Ruhr axis. On average, both employees and students travel 19 km (median: 10 km) per commute. Students (employees) need an average of 39 (33) minutes to cover this distance. While the commuting frequency for employees hardly differs between the lecture period with 3.8 (median: 4.0) days per week and the lecture-free period with 3.6 (median: 4.0) days per week, students are at the university on average 3.7 (median: 4.0) days per week during the lecture period and 2 (median: 2) days per week during the lecture-free period.

The survey showed that people tend to use their car instead of public transport or cycling, especially in residential areas north and south of Dortmund. There is less car use along the east-west axis. A more detailed breakdown can be seen in the adjacent figure.

The survey also shows that a significant proportion of people living in Dortmund also travel to the university by car. Despite the good public transport connections and possible cycle paths, around 21% of respondents use the car as their primary means of transportation.

Average Distances and Typical Commuting Routes

Average distances can be calculated from the survey depending on the type of mobility. These can be seen in the adjacent graph. It is striking that the shortest distances are covered by bicycle/pedestrian transport (4.2 km), followed by local public transport (19.4 km) and private motorized transport (26.5 km). The longest distances are covered by long-distance rail passenger transport (SPFV, 41.6 km).

Average distances traveled per type of mobility

If a typical, average commute for students (TU employees) is calculated on the basis of the survey using the actual kilometers driven, then 7.4 (10.8) km would be driven by car in the morning, 0.7 (0.7) km would be covered after changing to public transport, and then 9.5 (5.3) km would be covered by public transport. The last part of the journey of 1.1 (2.0) km would be covered by bicycle or on foot. This is clearly illustrated in the diagram above.

Mobility Behavior

Interactive graphic. Source: Sustainability Office/TU Dortmund University

Of all the people who took part in the survey, 38% use a car or private car as their primary means of transportation. However, a breakdown by status group reveals differences: 49% of employees travel by car, while the proportion of students is around 30%.

The picture is reversed for public transport. Here, the proportion of employees is around 30%, while just under 67% of students use public transport. 52% of employees and 45% of students travel by bicycle/foot.

It is striking that employees tend to use private motorized transport more often for their daily commute, while students mostly choose public transport. Nevertheless, around a third of them also regularly use the car to get to the university.


The stacked bar chart shows the distance travelled per mobility type (normalized to the average distance) for the status groups (non-)scientific employee and students.
The individual mobility types are color-coded:

  • Yellow: bicycle/ on foot
  • Green: Public transport (local public transport)
  • Blue: Train, long-distance transport
  • Dark blue: Motorized private transport (car, motorcycle, etc.)

Exact figures can be found in the following table:
(in km)

  (Non-) scientific employee Student
Bicycle / on foot 1,97 1,08
Public transport 5,28 9,51
Train / long-distance traffic 0,67 0,74
Motorized private transport 10,82 7,42

The average number of modes of transport used on the way to university is 1.6, with a median of 1.0, meaning that most participants mainly use one mode of transport, in contrast to the hypothetical commute shown above, where four modes of transport were used.


It is not possible to evaluate this question as it was asked too unspecifically. It is unclear whether the question refers to the people in the vehicle or to the number of additional people in the vehicle.

Of the 519 people who came to the university by car, 52 people (10 %) stated that they were traveling in a carpool. These figures suggest that the proportion of people who carpool to TU Dortmund University may be higher at TU Dortmund University than the national average: according to the Federal Environment Agency, the Federal Ministry of Transport's "Mobility in Germany 2008" report shows that around five percent of car journeys to work are made as passengers and around 65 percent of journeys to work are made as drivers. In comparison, TU Dortmund University appears to have a carpooling rate that is twice as high.

The TU in Comparison

The figures collected in the survey are in line with the results of other mobility surveys. A comparison can be made with the InnaMo Ruhr survey from 2021. In this survey, members of the University Alliance Ruhr (UA-Ruhr, consisting of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen) were asked about their mobility behavior. As Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen are very similar to TU Dortmund University, both are also located in the Ruhr region, are similar in size and connected to a highway, offer similar capacities for motorized private transport and are similarly easily accessible by public transport, they are well suited for a comparison.

The survey showed that on average 31% of university members use their car to get to university before the coronavirus lockdown and 39% during the lockdown. This is in line with the 38% from this survey. The InnaMo Ruhr survey also shows that 49% of people traveled to the university by public transport before the lockdown. This also matches the results of this survey, in which 67% of all students and 30% of all employees used public transport.

Another mobility survey conducted by the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (UAS) shows similar ratios to the present survey, but differences in location should be taken into account, as the UAS is significantly smaller (in terms of area, number of students) than the UA-Ruhr universities and is located fairly centrally in Frankfurt. Despite the central location of UAS, 38% of all university members come to the university by car and 36% by public transport.

Other mobility surveys from the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences or the Bochum University of Applied Sciences show some clear differences in the use of the individual modality types, although similar trends in the use of modality types between employees and students are also evident here.