Additional transponders for the bicycle parking facility under the mensa bridge
- Nachhaltigkeitsbüro

The bicycle parking facility under the mensa bridge is still underutilized despite good weather and 'Stadtradeln' in recent weeks, so more transponders can be issued. Again, you can apply for a parking space from now until 11.6.2023. Subsequently, these will be distributed by lottery among the applications received. You will then have the parking space for sure for this semester. At the end of the summer semester, there will be a new application phase with a lottery procedure. There are still a total of 84 spots available. Our previous assumption that with 1.5 times overbooking (126 transponders) the parking spaces would be well utilized was too conservative, so now there are another 210 transponders, so that the parking spaces are 4 times overbooked (a total of 336 transponders).
If you would like to apply, please fill out this form by 11.06.2023. If we receive too many applications, the lottery will decide. You will be notified by us when the places are distributed and you have received a place. There you will get all further information about the distribution of the transponders.