Science Communication and the Media in the Climate Crisis
- Nachhaltigkeitsbüro

Prof. Holger Wormer and Dr. Wiebke Rögener-Schwarz are co-authors of the anthology "Medien in der Klima-Krise" (Media in the Climate Crisis), which examines problems of science communication against the background of the climate crisis from different perspectives. It is published by the Klima vor Acht association, which is campaigning for climate issues to be given more appropriate attention in public broadcasters.
"The climate crisis is a good example of the challenges facing science communication and journalism in particular," explains Wormer. "There is public interest, but the topic area is so multi-layered, long-term and cross-departmental that it overwhelms many editorial departments. Journalism training must respond to this and convey quality criteria for climate journalism. In our article, we present initial approaches to this."
"Media in the Climate Crisis" is available from the university library as an e-book as well as a print copy.