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New lectures for the studium oecologicum in winter semester 24/25

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Key visual of the studium oecologicum with an icon of an open book. © ITMC​/​TU Dortmund University

The studium oecologicum module catalog for the winter semester 24/25 is now available.

The studium oecologicum module catalog for the winter semester 24/25 is now available for all students. There you will find courses of the TU Dortmund University divided according to the basic module and the five subject areas of the studium oecologicum as well as cooperation offers. Please note further information on requirements for the respective courses in the LSF. All information on registration can be found on our registration page.

TU internal lectures:
As a basic module with 3 CP, the public lecture series "Climate: Change, Values, Science" will again be offered in the winter semester by the Chair of Bioprozesstechnik in cooperation with the Sustainability Office. The lecture series will address the challenges of climate change for society and the transformation of sustainability technology. The experts from various research disciplines will discuss the current state of knowledge and research on the topics of climate & change, sustainable technology and social change with the participants. Prof. Heinz Hövel will kick off this year's lecture series with an experimental lecture at TU Dortmund University on the topic of "Air, clouds, climate - some physical basics about the atmosphere". Another special feature is the lecture by Dr. Reiner Klingholz (chemist, science journalist, population researcher and author), which will take place in the middle of Dortmund's city center in the Ev. Stadtkirche Sankt Petri (Petrikirchhof 7, 44137 Dortmund). The topic is "Too much for this world - ways out of double overpopulation".

The Sustainability Commission of the Department of Computer Science is organizing a small lecture series called "Computer Science and Sustainability", in which professors from the department and external guests will give thematic lectures on various aspects of sustainability in computer science on 5 dates in the second half of the semester. Contents include the sustainable development of IT systems, artificial intelligence, switching off resources in networks, alternative options for building data centers and practical reports on time series analyses on energy data from the TU. The course can be credited with 1 CP for the subject area "Natural Science and Technology". Further details on the event will follow in the LSF at the beginning of the semester.

Many other exciting lectures that are open to the studium oecologicum can be found in the LSF.

Cooperation lectures outside TU Dortmund University:
The sustainability initiative of the universities in NRW Humboldtⁿ offers a lecture series on the topic of Resilience & Active Hope: Dealing with the climate crisis with 3 CP. The event counts for the studium oecologicum in the subject area "Society" and the registration deadline is October 10, 2024 at 12 noon.

TU Berlin offers an online seminar with 6 CP in English on the topic of "Critical Sustainability". The reciprocal relationships between technology, individuals, nature, society and democracy (TINS_D) are analysed and democratized through individual and collective interventions. The course can be credited towards the studium oecologicum in the subject area "Society".

The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is also offering its course catalog for the "Certificate in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)". The courses that are activated for the UDE certificate can be recognized for the studium oecologicum. The courses can be assigned to the subject areas of the studium oecologicum. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to