More climate-friendly business trips
- 13 Massnahmen zum Klimaschutz
- TU News

At the turn of the year, a new State Travel Expenses Act (LRKG NRW) came into force. The background to the amendment is, in particular, the idea of modernization and the increased integration of the idea of climate protection into the travel expenses law. Now, for example, business travelers can opt for a rail trip, even if the ticket is more expensive or the longer travel time entitles them to overnight accommodation and a higher daily allowance. In addition, 1st class can be used for train journeys of two hours or more, including transfer times. Another change is the simplification of the compensation for the distance traveled when using one's own vehicle.
An overview of all the important changes is provided in the ServicePortal.
The new LRKG NRW applies to all trips commenced from 1 January 2022. For all trips that have started in 2021, the previous regulations continue to apply.
All travelers who do not have SAP access should use the new forms provided in the ServicePortal for all trips commenced on or after 1 January 2022.
If you have any further questions or require information on the subject of business trips, please do not hesitate to contact the "Ancillary Areas of Personnel Law" department.
Excerpt from a TU Dortmund circular dated 07.02.2022